FLEX-CUF is the leading disposable restraint used by the law-enforcement community. That's because officers have come to rely on its extraordinary strength-in excess of 300 pounds. The Strength Barb System contained within the FLEX-CUF head makes it virtually pick-proof. In addition, it is fabricated from materials specifically designed to prevent injuries. Formerly marketed under the NIK Public Safety brand, Flex-Cufs are now sold under the Safariland label.
Nylon construction offers dimensional stability as well as flexibility. And a smooth inside surface, combined with rounded edges, minimizes the chance of abrasion or tissue damage. The locking head of the Flex Cuff features a metal locking barb. This item is not MRI safe.
- Individual restraints provide maximum containment of the wrist, arm, leg or ankle.
- Multiple configurations make FLEX-CUF the most versatile restraint available.
- FLEX-CUF reduces the risk of escape from the crime scene or designated containment area.
- Dual subjects may be grouped together for greater officer safety when working alone or in riot/civil disorder situations